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Eileen Devine, LCSW

There is
more hope
than you can

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The Brain First Parenting Approach

My unique practice with parents and caregivers, supported by more than 50 years of research on the brain, centers on understanding neurobehavioral conditions as brain-based physical disabilities with behavioral symptoms. Experience has shown me that with increased education and understanding, frustration and anxiety decrease and challenging behaviors begin to resolve.

  • FASD and other prenatal drug exposure

  • PANS/PANDAS and other neuroimmune conditions

  • Adoption and Foster Care

  • PDA Profile

  • ADHD

  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Autism

  • Seizure disorders

  • ​Acquired brain injuries

  • Genetic Brain Abnormalities

  • Other Neurobehavioral and Mental Health Conditions

Glenda M.

Eileen and her “brain first” expertise have literally changed everything for our family.  This new understanding saved our relationship with our daughter, and the Resilience Room has become “our people” who truly “get” our parenting experience.  In this space we feel validated, understood, encouraged, and hope filled. 

Michael P.

I have really enjoyed being in the group with Eileen and learned a lot. It’s definitely helped me understand a lot about my daughter, which I expected would happen, but what surprised me was how much I learned about myself, too.

Lauren S.

To say working with Eileen has changed our life would be an understatement. We have hope now for not only for our son, but for each of us, as we learn to navigate his disability and continue to incorporate this model into our daily lives. We are so very grateful. Eileen has been an answer to many, many prayers.

Presentations & Partnerships


500 Terry Francois Street

San Francisco, CA 94158

Eileen Devine

Parent Coach & Consultant

Based in Oregon, supporting parents globally

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