The 6 Ways Your Child Might 'Talk the Talk,' but Can’t 'Walk the Walk'
For neurodiverse children, language and communication are often lagging skills, leaving those kids vulnerable to being misunderstood.

Your Child is Not the ‘Problem’... It's Actually Society’s Narrow Lens
Your neurodiverse child is not the problem. The problem is society’s narrow view of what it means to live a worthwhile and successful life.

Dads Need Support, Too: Three Ways That Fathers Raising Neurodiverse Kids Struggle, and One Thing They Can Do
Three distinct ways that fathers raising a child with neurobehavioral challenges might struggle, and a signature workshop to support them.

The Brain First approach will change how you parent
The Brain First Parenting approach will lead to fewer challenging behaviors, less frustration, and greater connection to your child.

"But I read the purple books!" - Why reaching for our power only leads to more challenging behaviors
When adults with perceived power reach for that power to control a child’s challenging behavior, the behavior usually grows more intense.

When Losing My Voice Meant Finding a Better Connection
When I lost my voice and was unable to use it as a means of control or demonstration of power, I had no choice but to do things differently.

Understanding the Window of Tolerance - Pt. 2
Parents, too, can experience narrowing windows of tolerance, just like their kids with brain-based differences and fragile nervous systems.

A Letter to the Parent Who Didn’t Expect Parenting to be This Hard
You might never have imagined how challenging it could become, at times, to parent your unique child. I’ve been there, too.

Choosing the Second Path: How the Brain First Approach Helps with Challenging Behaviors
When kids with brain-based differences struggle with behavioral symptoms, parents have two divergent paths to consider.

How Do You Measure Progress?
Measuring progress in parenting your child when it looks different from the progress parents of neurotypical children experience.