Your Child is Not the ‘Problem’... It's Actually Society’s Narrow Lens
Your neurodiverse child is not the problem. The problem is society’s narrow view of what it means to live a worthwhile and successful life.
‘Mommy, my brain doesn’t work here.’ - How a Brain First Approach Can Fill in the Missing Information
How a conversation with my neurodiverse daughter in a time of crisis caused me to think about her differently.
"But I read the purple books!" - Why reaching for our power only leads to more challenging behaviors
When adults with perceived power reach for that power to control a child’s challenging behavior, the behavior usually grows more intense.
Thinking 'Brain First' At Bedtime...And All Other Times, Too
What happens when the evening routine becomes a chance to connect and deepen your relationship with your child, versus seeking compliance?
How Do You Measure Progress?
Measuring progress in parenting your child when it looks different from the progress parents of neurotypical children experience.
But How Do I Know For Sure This Behavior Isn’t on Purpose?
Most of the parents I work with ask some version of this question: “But how do I know for sure that this behavior isn't on purpose?"
5 Misconceptions About Parenting Through a Brain-First Lens
An examination of five key misconceptions related to parenting through a brain-based lens.
Reconsidering What It Means to Be Resilient
Resilience is not a personal characteristic that you either have or you don’t. Resilience is something that can grow stronger over time.
Tending Both Sides of the Parenting Coin
There are “two sides of the coin” in our unique parenting experience. One side is about our children, but the other is all about the parent.
The Neurobehavioral Model
A brain-based approach to parenting kids with brain-based differences I vividly remember a time in my life that I now refer to as the...