Maybe you're frustrated...
that your home is in a constant state of tension and chaos, and it feels like nothing you do as a father works to make your child, the source of this chaos, any less challenging. You find yourself feeling angry and resentful that all your efforts to parent your child, using very good parenting techniques and approach your parents used with you, and your friends use with their children, seem to make your child's behavior worse. You're tired of feeling as though you and your partner are not on the same page when it comes to teaching your child right from wrong, and that actions have consequences. You have a growing sense of hopelessness that the relationships other dads have with their kids just isn't possible for you and your child.
You just need...
straight-forward information on how to help your challenging child and your family experience less tension and more joy. You want to do what's best for all of them, but don't know where to begin. You need a roadmap that helps you understand your child's behaviors in a different way, so that from there, you can parent them more successfully. You just need to understand why what you've been doing isn't working, and what you can do instead. You need a space and information that is specifically tailored to the unique experience of being a dad to a child who struggles in big ways.
Three Saturdays. Six hours total.
Toward a better understanding of your child.
Toward greater connection with your partner.
Toward reduced stress and increased calm.
Toward greater hope and confidence that you have what you need as a father to parent your child successfully.
The Details:
Three, 2-hour (virtual) sessions - an interactive workshop and discussion format with Eileen Devine
JOIN THE WAITLIST to learn about 2025 dates
Handouts and tools provided at each session to integrate learning between live sessions
Live workshop will be recorded and accessible via password-protected course room
$257 per participant; 25% off for current Resilience Room Members (email Eileen for discount code)
Registration closes Thursday, February 29.

Three Saturday mornings, toward...
Learn alongside other fathers parenting children with neurobehavioral differences and challenging behavioral symptoms. Make connections with other dads who "get it" and share your lived experience.
Walk away from this 6 hour training with concrete strategies on how to form a deeper connection with your challenging child and how to parent them in ways that align with their unique brain function.
The neurobehavioral roadmap you need, plus tools for parenting your child with challenging behavioral symptoms. You'll have all the information you need to continue growing your parenting skills for years to come.
There is more hope for us and our families than we are ever led to believe. This training acknowledges how difficult this parenting experience can be, while also believing that suffering does not have to be the final destination.
Here, you can find reprieve, rising above the chaos of the day-to-day and gaining clarity on not only what might be going on for your child, but also what is going on with YOU, and what you can do to impact both.

Meet Eileen
Eileen is a parent coach, consultant, trainer, and mom to a teenager with neurobehavioral differences.
Almost a decade ago, I attended a training on the neurobehavioral model that forever changed the way my husband and I viewed our daughter and her behaviors. The information we were missing, and now had, strengthened our relationship with our then-toddler daughter in ways we could not have imagined, and restored a peace to our home that had been desperately missing.
This life-changing journey of finding myself parenting a child with significant neurobehavioral challenges left me with a desire to change my area of focus as a licensed therapist, and to walk alongside and support other parents who have children with challenging behavioral symptoms. Parents who experience that sense of loss, growing hopelessness and isolation I once felt in my own parenting. As a parent coach over the last decade, I have noticed that finding a space specifically for fathers, where they can come together and learn about how to support their child in a way that is tailored specifically to their experience, is difficult, if not impossible, to find.
My mission in creating Focus on the Fathers is to work to fill this gap in services, working directly with dads who want to feel more confident and empowered in parenting their child who struggles with intense and relentless challenging behaviors.